Basic Essay Structure Tips and Examples

One of the most important considerations when it comes to creating an academic essay is ensuring that it lays a cohesive roadmap of ideas for the reader that will allow them to follow your logic. The purpose of your argument is not always to sway the reader, but often times, to make them objectively consider your point of view and agree that you have a valid reason for taking your stance. For institutions, especially in the UK, this presentation demonstrates your comprehension of the subject matter. This is one of the reasons why the essay structure itself can be more compelling to the reader than the content it contains. In this article, we’ll cover some of the things you should keep in mind when forming your university essay structure.

Basic essay structure guide for students

Your essay will need to consist of key sections and components if you want to effectively engage your reader. Use the following essay structure example as reference when composing your initial (first draft) outline:


This section (as well as the conclusion) should be created after the body.

  • Introduce the topic with a couple of easily understood sentences
  • Immediately answer the question using a thesis statement
  • Outline a road map that mentions the ideas (or arguments) to come


This is the section of paragraphs where you place your argument’s foundation.

  • The should initiate a discussion here
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the subject
  • Present evidence and examples


Summarise things with a bold statement.

  • Make sure to answer the question again
  • Touch on a few key points once more
  • Avoid introducing new ideas

Our professional writers have tons of experience with this process, and know what it will take to bring about the best result. They are gifted at mapping your essay in such a way that your reader’s logic is complimented and addressed throughout the paper, avoiding a confrontational viewpoint on their part. The aim is to predict when and where your audience will expect to receive information or supporting claims, and provide that information readily. Talk to our experts for more information about building the best structure for your paper.

It starts with analysis

Your interpretation of the data is what the reader is most interested in, and should be the core focus of the essay structure. Examples of this can be found while searching for references (resources) to use in your composition, where these texts consist of the author’s opinion regarding their own findings. Gaining understanding from your audience begins with offering your much-valued take on the topic.

Essay structure examples of what work

If your essay is structured properly, it will address the reader’s need to know the “What?” “How?” and “Why?” elements of your academic argument. We’d like you to consider these examples of strong communication in an essay:

  1. Your paper provides immediate and tangible evidence of the phenomenon mentioned by your thesis.
  2. The claims made stand up confidently in the presence of counterarguments, and are adaptable to changing data and perspectives.
  3. After reading your arguments, the audience understands clearly why the phenomenon is important to anyone other than you.

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